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Private 3D Printing - TINA

Sept 16th, Bring your own laptop if you can

  • 10 US dollars
  • Mankato Makerspace

Service Description

Private Class for St Peter Robotics Sept 16th 5pm In this 2 hour class, Jeremy and Isaiah ( amazing father-son duo) will teach you how to get a 3D model off of your computer and into your hands. Please bring your own Laptop from home, or notify the instructor that you will be using a Makerspace computer. Game Plan: * Overview on how the printers are set up and walk through their function * Quick 3D print demo * Download and learn the Ultimaker- Cura program * Pick a design to print using (choose something between 30-60min. print time; this ensures that you’ll get to leave with your item) * Review, discussion and Q&A * If you wish to dive deeper into the process set up a “Personal Project“ with instructor If you have any questions about the class, would like to set up a private lesson, or request a commission please contact: Jeremy Kuznia 507-340-2345 (text message preferred) A little about the Instructors: Jeremy and Isaiah started their 3D printing journey here at the Mankato Makerspace 3 years ago, first participating in Print Club where they learned the basics. Since then, they have amassed extensive knowledge and acquired six 3D printers of various brands and styles. “Great intro, was so fun and informative. I was a little nervous going into class, not being particularly tech savvy myself, but Isaiah and Jeremy did such an amazing job explaining everything in a way I could understand, which kept the class atmosphere very relaxed and encouraging. I was pleasantly surprised that we could scroll through the program and choose what we would print that night. Would highly recommend this class to anyone starting out in this creative outlet.”

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Must cancel or reschedule at least 2 hours before the class. To Reschedule or Cancel please do so Via our website By logging in to your account (or create an account using the email address which you put when signing up for the class) go to MY BOOKINGS and from there you can select the class and you can reschedule or cancel. Some classes are one time only and so will need to cancel. side note: please, consider your instructor and their time. many instructors prep for their class for hours to have things ready for you and some travel from a great distances as well.

Contact Details

  • 1700 3rd Ave, Mankato, MN, USA

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